
critical length (纖維的)致斷長度。

critical moment

Two concepts of critical length of slope and maximum buckling place is defined here to evaluate its stability . applications of two practical projects demonstrate this method ' s accuracy and feasibility . at the same time , all the factors which maybe infect the slope ' s stability , such as the mechanical performance of joint and rock , physical and geometrical character of slope , are considered 并以兩個實際工程實例驗證了本文方法的精確性及可行性;與此同時,本文對各影響因素如結構面的力學特性、巖體的力學特性及坡體的一些物理幾何特征對該類邊坡穩定性的影響作了分析。

It is the key of ebfs , therefore , furthermore calculation about link are carried out in this thesis , introduced achieved research , summarized the affect of link on whole capability in the first , the second , numerical calculation are proceeded on link with ansys : with the purpose of discussing yielding mode critical length of link , established five different specimens ; with the purpose of discussing the influence of h / tw of web , b / tf of flange and h / b , established eighteen different specimens ; with the purpose of discussing the affect of stiffener , established four different specimens , and elaborated the affect of stiffener on link based on achieved test researches 因此,本文對耗能梁段進行進一步計算分析,概述耗能梁段對整體性能的影響,并利用有限元程序ansys對耗能梁段進行數值計算:針對耗能梁段的屈服類型建立5種不同長度的模型,計算討論耗能梁段屈服類型的長度劃分;針對耗能梁段腹板高厚比、翼緣寬厚比以及梁段截面形狀等因素共建立了18種模型進行計算分析;針對加勁肋對耗能梁段的作用建立了4種模型,并結合已有的試驗闡述了加勁肋對耗能梁段的影響。

Then , by using the great fem programme and the drucker - prager model , the thesis establishes the pile - soil model of super - long piles , analyzes the mechanism of bearing and deformation of super - long piles under vertical loading systemically , studies the characteristics of q - s curve , bottom resistance , pile shaft resistance and critical length of super - long piles in detail , acquires some practical guidance conclusion . secondly , with a practical engineering , the author expatiates the bearing characters of super - long piles farther . the thesis points that super - long piles are frictional piles under the condition of working loading 然后應用大型有限元程序,采用土的drucker - prazer模型,建立了超長樁分析計算的樁土模型,系統分析了超長樁在豎向荷載作用下的承載機理和變形特性,研究了超長樁的荷載?沉降特性,端阻、側阻的發揮性狀以及超長樁的有效樁長,得出了具有實際指導意義的結論。

Based on the bedding features of weak intercalations in sandstone plates near the top of underground cavity , the probable failure scale of bedding sliding , the probable settlement , the folding places and the critical length of sandstone beams are computed seperately , then the stability of underground cavity is analysed 針對地下工程頂部層狀砂巖中存在順層發育軟弱夾層的情況,分別對開挖后可能出現的層間滑動破壞范圍、巖板的沉降、折斷和臨界長度進行計算,并分析其穩定性。

The cracking with these two types of underfill might become unstable and lead to catastrophic failure at the end . the critical length was about 12m for the assembly with no - flow underfill and 20m for the package with capillary - flow underfill at 20 ? 模擬表明,山固化溫度冷卻到室溫時,所研究的倒裝焊封裝在填充不流動膠時芯片斷裂臨界裂紋長度為12pm ,而填充傳統底充膠時為20hm 。

On critical length of flexural slumping rock layer in layered rocky slope and its influencing factors 順傾邊坡巖層滑移彎曲臨界長度及其影響因素分析

Critical length of grade 披道臨界長度

Study on the load transfer and the critical length of single cement - soil pile 水泥土樁單樁荷載傳遞及臨界樁長研究

Study on critical length for bedding rock slope 順層巖質邊坡臨界坡長求解研究